Class Six English Medha’s Dream Answer

Class Six English Medha's Dream Answer

Class Six English Medha’s Dream Answer is a pivotal unit that delves into the intricacies of tenses through an engaging narrative. The story of Medha, a young girl with a vivid imagination and ambitious dreams, serves as an excellent medium to teach students about the various forms of tense. Firstly, the narrative introduces Medha’s aspirations and daily life, providing a context that is both relatable and educational. Consequently, the unit seamlessly integrates grammar lessons with storytelling, making learning both enjoyable and effective.

Moreover, the use of tenses in the story is carefully crafted to highlight their different uses in everyday language. For instance, the present tense describes Medha’s current activities and thoughts, while the past tense reflects on her previous experiences and achievements. Additionally, the future tense is employed to express her dreams and plans, demonstrating how language can be used to discuss time in a comprehensive manner. Furthermore, the unit includes exercises and discussions that encourage students to apply what they have learned. Overall, Class Six English Medha’s Dream Answer is not only a lesson in grammar but also an inspiring tale that motivates students to dream big and articulate their thoughts clearly.

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Medha’s Dream 12.2 Solution

Discuss the following questions in pairs and write down the answers in complete sentences. Then, underline all the verbs
and say which verb refers to what time (present, past, or future):
(জোড়ায় নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো আলোচনা করো এবং সম্পূর্ণ বাক্যে উত্তরগুলো লেখো।
তারপর ব্যবহৃত verb গুলোর নিচে দাগ দাও এবং verb গুলোর সময় উল্লেখ করো (বর্তমান, অতীত অথবা ভবিষ্যৎ)।

1. What are the five things you usually do?


Going to School: I attend school every weekday.

Doing Homework: After school, I complete my homework.

Playing with Friends: I enjoy playing games with my friends.

Reading Books: I like to read books.

Helping at Home: I help my parents with small chores.

2. What are the five things you did yesterday?


I went to school.

I Played with friends.

I Completed my homework.

I read a book.

I ate dinner together.

3. What are the five things you will do tomorrow?


I will –

Watch a movie.

write a poem.

draw a picture.

water the garden.

Class Six English Unit 12.3 Answer

Hi, I’m Medha. Today, I found one of my notebooks I used for writing when I was in class one. But the funny part is, I can’t even understand what I wrote. At that time, I was learning to write. I couldn’t hold the pencil properly. I couldn’t even draw a straight line. It reminded me of my childhood

অর্থ-ওহে , আমি মেধা। আজ, আমি আমার একটি নোটবুক পেয়েছি যা আমি লেখার জন্য ব্যবহার করেছি যখন আমি ক্লাস ওয়ান ছিলাম। কিন্তু মজার বিষয় হল, আমি কি লিখেছিলাম তা বুঝতে পারছি না। সে সময়, আমি লিখা শিখতেছিলাম।আমি পেন্সিলটি ঠিকমতো ধরতে পারতাম না।এমনকি আমি সোজা লাইন আঁকতে পারতাম না । এটা আমার শৈশবের কথা মনে করিয়ে দিল।

I just loved to make doodles on my notebook and the wall of my room at that time. My parents and teachers worked hard to teach me handwriting. I did practice a lot to improve my writing. My handwriting became good after a few years of practice.

অর্থ- সেই সময় আমি শুধু আমার নোটবুকে এবং আমার রুমের দেয়ালে ডুডল বানাতে পছন্দ করতাম। আমার বাবা-মা এবং শিক্ষকরা
আমাকে হাতের লেখা শেখানোর জন্য কঠোর পরিশ্রম করেছিলেন। আমি আমার লেখার উন্নতির জন্য অনেক অনুশীলন করেছিলাম।
কয়েক বছর অনুশীলনের পর আমার হাতের লেখা ভালো হয়েছিল।

Now I am in class six. My handwriting is much better now. But my drawing skill is not good enough. But I learned from my childhood that, if I practise, I can improve anything. Now I’m practicing drawing a lot. My drawing teacher encourages me to draw more. My drawing skill is becoming better day by day. I want to become an artist.

12.3 Translation

অর্থ- এখন ক্লাস সিক্সে পড়ি। আমার হাতের লেখা এখন অনেক ভালো। কিন্তু আমার আঁকার দক্ষতা যথেষ্ট ভালো নয়। কিন্তু আমি আমার শৈশব থেকে শিখেছি যে, আমি যদি অনুশীলন করি তবে আমি যে কোনও কিছুর উন্নতি করতে পারি। এখন আমি ছবি আঁকার অনেক অনুশীলন করছি। আমার অঙ্কন শিক্ষক আমাকে আরও আঁকতে উত্সাহিত করেন। আমার আঁকার দক্ষতা দিন দিন উন্নত হচ্ছে। আমি একজন শিল্পী হতে চাই।

When I become a painter, I will decorate my room with my painting.

I am also fond of doing sketches.

I will draw a picture of my parents and hang that in my room.

I will also draw pictures of my favorite teachers and present those pictures to them. But I’m not good at sketching people. I am sure that my sketching skill will improve if I keep practicing. When I will be good enough at sketching, I will fulfill my wishes. I also love to draw pictures of nature. Today, the sky is cloudy. It may rain today. If I can capture the scene in my drawing, it will be interesting.

অর্থ- আমি যখন চিত্রশিল্পী হব, তখন আমি আমার ছবি দিয়ে আমার ঘর সাজাব। আমিও স্কেচ করতে শৌখিন। আমি আমার বাবা-মায়ের একটি ছবি আঁকব এবং আমার ঘরে ঝুলিয়ে দেব। এছাড়া আমি আমার প্রিয় শিক্ষকদের ছবি আঁকু্ব এবং সেই ছবিগুলি তাদের কাছে উপস্থাপন করব। কিন্তু আমি
মানুষের ছবি আঁকতে দক্ষ নই। আমি নিশ্চিত যে আমি অনুশীলন অভ্যাস করি তাহলে স্কেচিং দক্ষতা উন্নত হবে। যখন আমি স্কেচিংয়ে যথেষ্ট ভাল হব, তখন আমি আমার ইচ্ছা পূরণ করব। আমিও ভালোবাসি প্রকৃতির ছবি আঁকতে। আজ আকাশ মেঘলা। আজ বৃষ্টি হতে পারে। যদি আমি দৃশ্যটি ধারণ করতে পারি তাহলে এটা আকর্ষণীয় হবে।

Basic Definition of Tree types of Tenses
Tense refers to the time when an action takes place. According
to time, there are three main tenses.
বলতে সেই সময়কে বোঝায় যখন একটি ক্রিয়া সংঘটিত হয়।সময় অনুযায়ী , তিনটি প্রধান কাল আছে।
The Present Tense refers to an action in the present and a habitual, or extremely true action.বর্তমান কাল বলতে বর্তমানের একটি ক্রিয়া এবং একটি অভ্যাসগত, বা অত্যন্ত সত্য ক্রিয়াকে বোঝায়।
The Past Tense refers to an action in the past.অতীত কাল বলতে অতীতের একটি ক্রিয়াকে বোঝায়।
The Future Tense refers to an action that will take place in
ভবিষ্যত কাল এমন একটি ক্রিয়াকে বোঝায় যা ভবিষ্যতে সংঘটিত হবে ।
Class Six English Medha’s Dream Answer Table

Medha’s Dream 12.4 Solution

To identify tenses, first look at the verb endings and auxiliary verbs. Next, check the context of the sentence to understand the time frame being referenced. Additionally, consider signal words such as “yesterday” for past tense or “tomorrow” for future tense.

(নিচের বাক্যগুলোতে Tense (Present/Past/Future) চিহ্নিত করো।)

  1. My handwriting is much better now. Present Tense
  2. I found one of my notebooks. Past Tense
  3. I can improve my handwriting. present Tense
  4. I couldn’t even draw a straight line. Past Tense
  5. I will draw a picture of my parents and hang it in my room. Future Tense
  6. My handwriting became good after a few years of practice. Past Tense
  7. Now I’m practicing drawing a lot. Present Tense
  8. When I become good enough at sketching, I will fulfill my wishes. Future Tense

Class six English Medha’s Dream 12.5 Answer

Read the sentences and notice their structures in pairs. One is
given for you:
(বাক্যগুলো পড়ো এবং তাদের গঠনসমূহ লক্ষ করো। তোমার জন্য একটি বাক্য করে
দেওয়া হলো।

Example: I write letters to my father.
Structure: Subject (I) + Verb in present form (write) +Object (letters)……..

a. Eating an apple every day is a good habit.

Subject (Gerund Phrase) + Linking Verb( present form) + Subject Complement

b. Our school remained close for the COVID-19 lockdowns

Subject(Our school) + Verb(past) + Complement + Prepositional Phrase

c. From tomorrow I will help my mother

Subject + Modal Verb(Future) + Main Verb + Object.

Class Six English 12.6 Solution

To identify tense, first, look at the verb form used in the sentence. Then, check for any auxiliary verbs that may indicate a specific time frame. Additionally, pay attention to context clues and time expressions such as “now,” “yesterday,” or “tomorrow,” which can signal the tense.

Sentence: My handwriting is much better now.

  • Tense: Present
  • Structure: Subject + Verb(present form) + Complement

Sentence: I found one of my notebooks.

  • Tense: Past
  • Structure: Subject + Verb(past form) + Object

Sentence: I can improve my handwriting.

  • Tense: Present
  • Structure: Subject + Modal Verb (present form)+ Main Verb + Object

Sentence: I couldn’t even draw a straight line.

  • Tense: Past
  • Structure: Subject + Modal Verb(past form) + Main Verb + Object

Sentence: I will draw a picture of my parents and hang it in my room.

  • Tense: Future
  • Structure: Subject + Modal Verb( Future form) + Main Verb + Object + Conjunction + Main Verb + Object + Prepositional Phrase

Sentence: My handwriting became good after a few years of practice.

  • Tense: Past
  • Structure: Subject + Verb(past form) + Complement + Prepositional Phrase

Sentence: Now I’m practicing drawing a lot.

  • Tense: Present Continuous
  • Structure: Adverb(Now) + Subject + Auxiliary Verb(present form) + Main Verb + Gerund + Adverbial Phrase

Sentence: When I become good enough at sketching, I will fulfill my wishes.

  • Tense: Present + Future
  • Structure: Conjunction(when)+ Subject + Verb(present form) + Complement + Prepositional Phrase + Subject (I) + Modal Verb(future form) + Main Verb + Object

Sentence: My drawing teacher encourages me to draw more.

  • Tense: Present
  • Structure: Subject + Verb(present form) + Object + Infinitive + Adverb

Sentence: Today, the sky is cloudy.

  • Tense: Present
  • Structure: Adverb(Today) + Subject + Verb(present form) + Complement

Medha’s Dream 12.7 Answer

(Subject + V1+……)
(Subject + V2+……)
(Subject +shall/will+
Today I read an essay on
the Sundarbans.
Yesterday, I read an essay on the Sundarbans.Tomorrow I will read an essay on the Sundarbans.
It makes me interested to
visit the Sundarbans.
It made me interested in visiting the Sundarbans.It will make me interested in visiting the Sundarbans.
And I decide to visit it
next month.
And I decided to visit it the following month.And I will decide to visit it next month.
I also take my parent’s
I also took my parents’ permission.I will also take my parents’ permission
I am very happy now.I was very happy then.I will be very happy then.
Class Six English Medha’s Dream Answer Table

Class Six English Lesson 12.8 Solution

Read the sentences below and compare the present, past and future
among yourselves. Then tick () the correct verb forms.
(নিচের বাক্যগুলো পড়ো এবং বর্তমান, অতীত ও ভবিষ্যৎকাল অনুযায়ী তুলনা করো।
তারপর শুদ্ধ verb গুলোতে tick () চিহ্ন বসাও।)

  1. I go/went to school every day.
  2. The sun rises/rose in the east.
  3. Honesty helps/helped to make us happy.
  4. I will take/took a walk tomorrow.
  5. He helped/helps a beggar yesterday.
  6. I got/get a gift from my teacher last month.
  7. My friends play/played with me last Friday.
  8. He will prepare/prepared lunch for his mother tomorrow.

Medha’s Dream 12.9 Answer

Read the following situations and add some sentences using
proper tenses:
(নিচের situation গুলো পড়ো এবং সঠিক tense ব্যবহার করে কয়েকটি বাক্য

Situation 1Daily Routine of Rajib

Rajib is the youngest of three siblings. He is in class six. He is an early bird, so he wakes up at 5 a.m. every day. After waking up, he usually goes for a morning walk. Then, he has a healthy breakfast and gets ready for school. Finally, he leaves for school with a big smile on his face.

Situation 2My Dream

I am Ratul. I lived in a small village in Munshiganj. From my childhood, I had a dream to study in a public university. Therefore, I studied hard and did well in my exams. As a result, I got admission to a public university. Then, I moved to the city for my studies. Finally, my dream came true, and I was very happy.

Situation 3: How to Follow Direction

I am Laila. I am the captain of my class. My class teacher has asked me to arrange a class party. To organize everything smoothly, first, I will make a committee comprising enthusiastic classmates. Next, we will brainstorm ideas for the party theme and activities. Then, I’ll delegate tasks such as decorations, food arrangements, and entertainment to different committee members. Additionally, we will set a budget and plan accordingly to ensure everything goes as planned. Finally, on the day of the party, we will execute our plans diligently, ensuring everyone has a great time


Medha’s Dream is an essential unit in Class Six English, designed to deepen students’ understanding of tense usage. Throughout this unit, students are introduced to the three main tenses: past, present, and future. By exploring various exercises and examples, they learn to identify and correctly use these tenses in their writing and speech. Notably, Medha’s Dream emphasizes practical application, ensuring that students can confidently express themselves in different time frames. Furthermore, the unit includes engaging activities that encourage students to practice regularly, reinforcing their learning. Consequently, by the end of this unit, students should have a solid grasp of tense usage.

Moreover, Medha’s Dream in Class Six English is structured to cater to diverse learning styles. Whether through reading passages, writing exercises, or interactive discussions, each student can find an effective way to comprehend and apply the lessons. As a result, this comprehensive approach not only enhances their grammatical skills but also boosts their overall confidence in English. Ultimately, Medha’s Dream in Class Six English is a vital part of the curriculum, equipping students with the necessary tools to communicate clearly and effectively. This unit stands as a cornerstone in their language education, preparing them for more advanced concepts in the future.

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